Carrito Latino was born with the idea of providing Latino products to our customers at the door of their homes. We know in advance that Latinos love the flavors and products of our land, here you can find a vast variety of them to prepare your recipes without having to go to several stores to find them.
We are located in the city of the sun Phoenix Arizona, and we have been in the business of distributing Latino products for more than 20 years, this has positioned us as one of the leading distributors for convenience stores and super markets, for the same reason, we decided undertake this new adventure to provide flavors and products from your land throughout the United States and soon in other countries.
Vision : To be the largest virtual supermarket for Latinos in the United States and the rest of the world, always providing an environment of continuous growth for our employees, always respecting the needs of our customers.
Mission : Provide our customers with an adequate virtual space, easy to use, handling quality products, always taking responsibility for adequate delivery times and products in good condition, as well as offering good customer service through effective means of communication.
Values : Socially responsible company with customers and the environment, always at the forefront of processes, technology and innovation.
With the experience and support of: